Stand Up Paddleboarding Making Waves at Grand Lake

Like many things in Oklahoma, it just took standup paddleboarding a little longer to start making waves at Grand Lake. And now it has.

While still not as big a deal at Grand Lake as ‘burning fuel’, standup paddleboarding (SUP) is finally getting a following with it’s relatively easy cost of entry, great fitness benefits and the ability for just about anybody to ‘walk on water’.

It’s been called the fastest growing water fitness activity in the world and has been gaining in popularity for years on the coasts, and moving inland to the mountains of Colorado and other inland lakes before finally being seen at Grand Lake.

Grand Lake SUPStandup paddleboarding is kind of a cross between surfing and kayaking, and like each of those things, you can make it as challenging as you want.

If’ you are going to be out on a SUP on Grand at 2 pm on the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend, well…that will be a physical challenge like you’ve probably not had in a while maintaining your balance while staying upright.

But if you are out on that same Sunday, only at 9 am with a calm breeze and warm sunshine, then it really is something that just about anyone can take part in and enjoy.

The thing that makes paddleboarding so great is it is a full body core workout that provides great physical and mental benefits while being outside – on the water. Bottom’s good for the soul!

You can enjoy it as part of a group, or you can get out on your own and explore the Grand Lake shoreline on your own terms. Just make sure people know where you are and what you are doing.

One of the things that makes standup paddleboarding so accessible is the technology now incorporated into the boards.

Not that long ago, paddleboards were basically modified surfboards. Now, boards are specifically designed for standup paddling, more stable and can be easily hauled to your favorite lake or river.

So, how do you get on a SUP at Grand Lake to see if it’s for you?

Below are a couple of local companies that will help you get started – with board rentals, lessons, group outings, etc.

Check them out:


Grand Lake OK Paddleboard Rentals and Lessons


No results.


So what are you waiting for? Get out on the water, get some great fitness benefits and do some standup paddleboarding at Grand Lake.



One response to “Stand Up Paddleboarding Making Waves at Grand Lake”

  1. […] (Note – Check out this updated post on paddleboarding at Grand Lake HERE) […]

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