Oklahoma’s Grand Lake is a special place.
It doesn’t matter if it’s your first time to visit Grand Lake or you’ve been around here forever.
Maybe you caught your first fish here many years ago – with your grandma or grandpa teaching you how, and now you’ve taught your own kids or grandkids how to fish and watched them pull in that first crappie or catfish or bass from Grand Lake and the excitement in their eyes
Or, maybe it was first learning to waterski in Duck Creek, or Honey Creek or Raper Hollow (yep, that’s me…)…long before all of these specialized boats that make it all look so easy…slalom skiing, anyone???

Or maybe it’s that first time out on the lake in a boat, without your parents or anyone else…you want to talk about a feeling of being grown up and free!!!
Or maybe it’s memories of the old, majestic Shangri-La…which is now the beautiful, new Shangri-La….and all the wild times on Monkey Island…
But it all boils down to the same thing for everyone…memories…
And Grand Lake is a special place for making memories.
Memories with friends and family…of hot July 4th holidays and cold Memorial Day weekends…of days on the water and rainy days playing games…and so much more.
But Grand Lake has grown up a little bit.
There is a lot going on around Grand Lake now, all year around, from Langley to Miami and all points in between.
Grove has grown into the commercial hub of the Grand Lake region with great dining, shopping, and entertainment options.

Monkey Island has enjoyed a grand renewal with the new Shangri-La Golf Club, Resort & Marina taking center stage for a whole new generation of Grand Lakers.
South Grand Lake, from Monkey Island to Duck Creek to the Pensacola Dam, has become Oklahoma’s playground for big boats, with many nationally acclaimed marinas and boat dealers for all of your boating needs.
And at the North end, Miami and Twin Bridges has grown into a destination for fishermen and women from around the world looking to get into some legendary Grand Lake paddlefish.
And through it all, there are still places like Bernice and Horse Creek, where it feels like it’s still the Grand Lake of yesterday, with little cabins and families making memories.
And it’s because of memories that I created the Grand Lake Living website and brand (you can find Grand Lake Living on Facebook and Twitter).
You see, my name is Geoff, and my grandma taught me how to fish – and how to clean fish -at Grand Lake.
I learned how to waterski in Raper Hollow…long before the no-wake zone (but I’m really not old, either!).
I wakeboarded at Grand Lake before wakeboarding was cool – does anyone remember those original ‘skurfers’… I do… my friend tried it first and said it was broken, then I got out there and showed him how it was done!

I watched my crazy uncle spin like an out-of-control helicopter when he lost control slalom skiing – note, he was fine, though I don’t think he’s skied since!
I slept under the kitchen table at my Grandma’s house during the 4th of July because there were so many of us there.
And yes, my son caught his first fish at Grand Lake as well.
That’s why I’ve created this website.
To help you find what you need to make new memories for you and your family and friends.
If you are looking for information on businesses, places to eat, the latest fishing report, trends in boating, the latest on real estate at Grand Lake, or upcoming events around the lake…you’ll find it here.
I do my best to keep this website current and updated, but I’m just one dude and a website…so feel free to contact me with anything that you think needs to be added.
You won’t hurt my feelings and I could use the help!
Shoot…you want to write or create a video about your Grand Lake memories…do it and I’ll share it right here….on the Grand Lake Living website.
Please also know that this site is not affiliated with any organization, chamber of commerce, or any overriding agenda.
The only agenda here is memories.
Welcome to Grand Lake…I think you’ll find it is a truly special place…