Ready to do some wake boarding or wake skating or water skiing or surfing at Grand Lake this summer?
It’s the perfect time of the year. The July 4th crazyness is behind us (Yeah!) and we are left with warm water, hot air and perfect conditions.
Now, for those of you who can kind of ‘dictate’ (that word always reminds me of an old joke, but that’s another story) your boating schedule, here is the #1 thing you should remember.
Early Mornings Rock – I mean, like sunrise early. It is the best time of the day on Grand Lake, unless of course you are here to drink and carry on, then, well whatever…do your thing.

But if you want those pristine conditions, like being at the top of your favorite mountain with a foot of fresh all the way down, then you need to get on the lake early, early, early.
And this time of year, the morning air is warm, the water temp is warm, and usually early in the morning the air is still.
Plus, the lake is still from a good nights rest. It’s not all stirred up from other boats out and about.
And that means, to use a technical term…GLlllaaaASS!
And if you have never skied or boarded on glass conditions, well, you need to get out more. It’s a game changer.
Now, I’m telling you this against my better judgement. Because when I see other boats out there buzzing around the lake at 6:30 in the morning, I sometimes say unmentionable things. I might even throw some hand gestures your way.
Especially if your wake is messing up my glass. You know what I mean?
Now I’m also telling you this to help you.
As someone who has skied and boarded on Grand Lake for over 30 years, I’ve come to learn a few things.
One of those things is that your body will really, really appreciate the smoothness of the water as much as your soul appreciates the glassy conditions.
It literally makes my body hurt when I see people out skiing and boarding at 2 pm on the main lake on a Saturday.
I can see their whole body being bounced around like the worst ride ever on Zingo.
That’s no good. There is no zen happening there.
But when it’s all glassy, and you just get lost in your turns or your flips or whatever floats your boat…well, yeah, zen baby.
So, there you have it…my number 1 Grand Lake wake boarding or water skiing tip.
I’ve always thought is was kind of a secret. Now I think people are just generally lazy and prefer to sleep through the best part of the day.
Now, can you get some outstanding sessions in during the middle of the day?
Heck Yes! Especially during the week on those really hot and calm days.
But why wait for that when you can count on almost perfect conditions just about every single morning for the next few months on Grand Lake.